Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The beginning... of a sort

I've been meaning to start blogging about my teaching for a few years, and I'm finally making a start.

My goal is to blog at least once every two weeks, although I will probably be a bit more prolific at the beginning since I have two months of teaching to catch up on. My goals for this year are to

  • increase the number of flipped lessons to at least one, possible two (or three, in the case of the pre-AP classes) per unit per course;
  • to increase my class use of GAFE (or GSuite, as I suppose I must learn to call it, which has the sole benefit of not wondering how to pronounce it); 
  • formally get my students into a growth instead of fixed mindset
  • to finally start (and follow up on) a non-robotics Sci/Eng design club; and
  • my standard, yearly goal of trying one new/reincorporating a forgotten teaching technique per month.
Here be dragons...

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following along - adding you to feedly when I get home! Lots of good stuff already.
