You've probably at least heard of the Marshmallow Challenge -- but if you haven't, go here to watch the TED talk and learn more about it -- if not actually done it. I've done it several times... most recently on Wednesday, in fact, which was kind of hilarious given that I'd planned to do it with my sci/eng kids the very next day.
Literal team "building" w/ spaghetti, 1 marshmallow & tape. Who can make the tallest tower? #tdsbdll LN23/24 @tdsb— Larissa Aradj, OCT (@MrsGeekChic) November 2, 2016
Not on my watch.
We did the challenge; one group got to 40 cm, but the other two... didn't quite get the tall structures they envisioned*.
Then I showed them the TED video. We talked a bit about why the less successful structures fell (they both built triangular prisms; the vertical rectangular sections all turned into parallelograms. Horizontal ones.) and the importance of prototyping. Afterword, we did the challenge again. I wanted to see if they would learn from their previous mistakes and build prototypes. There was a bit of that going on, but all three groups built towers above 40 cm, so I feel that the exercise was successful.
And everybody got candy.
What design projects do you do with your science club?
*We could have had four groups of three instead of the three groups of four, but hey, it's a club, so I let it go; I'll be a bit stricter with them next time.
**I spent the year two years ago diligently emptying Dr. Pepper bottles for just this purpose. I am nothing if not dedicated.
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