This week the Grading for Equity Twitter chat (8pm EST) will be examining biased grading practices with chapter 9: Practices That Value Knowledge, Not Environment or Behaviour. Please feel free to join in the discussion! Here are this week's questions:
- What sorts of activities do you award extra credit for, if any? If there are things you routinely offer extra credit for, why have you not made those activities required parts of your curriculum?
- What is your policy for late work? Do you deduct points? How might you reevaluate your late work policy to give students time to learn and master content?
- When students cheat, do they get an automatic zero for a grade? Is this the best punishment for cheating? Are they made to re-do the assignment on their own? What else might work to rehabilitate student learners?
- ”Some consider cheating on an assessment ... as a signal that though she is struggling, she is still engaged and cares about her success.” Do you agree? Could cheating be a sign of greater engagement than if a student simply skipped the assessment?
- Which student behaviours do you grade? How can students be taught how participation and effort are means for learning, not ends in themselves?
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