Monday, 9 August 2021

Grading for Equity week 3: The Case for Change (Chapters 5 & 6) #Grade4EqChat


The book cover of Grading for Equity, and the text #Grade4EqChat, Mondays @ 8 pm EST July 26-Oct 4; 1-2 chapters/week; 4-6 questions over the hour using Q#/A# format

The Grading for Equity Twitter bookclub continues apace. Last week we studied chapters 3 &4, which introduced us to the problems in our current grading schemes. 

This week we will be looking at chapters 5 & 6, continuing with The Case for Change and A New Vision for Grading. Feel free to join in, even if you haven't read the book! Here are the questions:

  1.  Are students motivated to achieve success or to avoid failure? What specific actions, policies, or words by teachers cause students to experience one type of motivation instead of the other?
  2. Do you think of your tasks at work as performance or mastery goals? What affects how you define the goal? How does this affect how you pursue the task?
  3. In what ways do schools and classrooms send a message of competition for achievement?
    How does your school's treatment of awards and honors promote or undermine a growth or fixed mindset?
  4. Review your classroom's current grading policies through the pillars of our vision: How accurate are they? How bias-resistant? How motivating?
  5. How much does this book's vision for equitable grading match against your school's overall vision? How likely is it that your school community could agree on this vision?
  6. How much does this book's vision for equitable grading align with your own, personal vision for grading? What concerns do you have about this vision? What are your hopes?

See you then!

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