Monday, 13 July 2020

PD with a cat in your lap

If there is one positive thing that has come from this pandemic and the sudden switch to everything virtual, it's that there is a literal world of online PD available out there, and you can roll out of bed and attend it in your pjs. With a cat on your lap or not, as it happens.

Currently it seems like all the PD is happening at the same time. This week, in fact.
A screenshot of my Google Calendar. Almost all the spots are filled with some kind of online PD.
That's four conferences in one week. I'm going to be busy!

This current spate of PD (or CPD as some call it) actually started this past Saturday with the Seneca Virtual Science Conference. Seneca is a free UK homework and revision platform, and they have been offering free, short but packed conferences in all subjects, as well as pd for online teaching and free courses for teachers in things like metacognition, literacy, etc. You can check out the recorded science webinar and presentation resources at the link above. 

And yes, I had to get up at 3:45 am to attend. But it was over by breakfast time!

They are also hosting some post-conference Twitter chats this week at 7:30 pm BST. #senecaCPD

Three of the virtual conferences focus on tech or general pedagogy; scroll down if you're just interested in physics.

FlipTech2020 logo

The free FlipTech 2020 conference actually started yesterday and continues until Thursday. What I'm liking about this conference is that they are actually flipping it. You can hop in at any point; watch the videos/presentations before hand, then join the speakers for a live Q&A Zoom. The Zoom meetings are being recorded, so you can catch up if you miss something. Follow #FlipTech2020 for details and updates.

ISTE Summer Learning Academy July 13-31, 2020

ISTE is hosting a 3-week Summer Learning Academy starting today until the end of July, although you will be able to access the materials until October. It's only $US 20 (more if you want the yearly membership which gives you access to more courses). This academy is specifically focussed on online learning, which seems somewhat appropriate these days. There are daily webinars and 4 microcourses which you can work on at any time -- convenient if you happen to have filled up your schedule with other online PD! The schedule is here.

United EdTech Conference logo

I'm really pleased to be attending the 2020 United EdTech Conference this Friday and Saturday, which will be elevating BIPOC voices and examining best pedagogical practices for using edtech. The days will be short and sweet, with a 90-minute Pedagogy in Practice session followed by a 30-minute Lunch and Learn session. The webinars will be recorded and made available, which is great since there are too many good options and we can only pick one each day. Fortunately, some of the lunch and learn sessions will be repeated on day 2. The $US 10 fee will be donated to The Learning Laboratory New Orleans.

Yes, the FOMO is real.

IOP and TalkPhysics logo

I've been following the UK Institute of Physics for a while, envious of all the teacher PD they provide. They've had to move a lot of their PD online and it's been fantastic. Attending the South Region 3-day event at the beginning of July meant more 3:30 wake-up calls, but it was worth it. (And let's face it: rolling out of bed, making a cup of tea, and getting to the presentation in 15 minutes is a practice I don't really mind repeating.) I've been attending scattered workshops as well, and am on the lookout for the next Power of Per workshop since I couldn't attend last Thursday. The North West region is having their 3 days starting this Thursday until Saturday.

As for how to attend more than one workshop at once? Even with an extra Chromebook, that might be a bit much, but I'll figure it out.
A sma;; grey cat is seen from behind, staring at a laptop screen on which there is a Zoom meeting.